It still surprises me to find out how little my friends and acquaintances read. Smart, engaging people, but they don't read books. Whereas even though I already read a lot, I have a pressing urge to read even more (and older) books.

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There better be a turnaround, or else we are destined for idiocracy—Vote for Dwayne Elizondo Mountain Dew Herbert Camacho for president in 2055...

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I think we’re already there, sadly.

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I couldn't agree more! I'm just curious if we're already passed the point of no return, or if there's still time. I'm not sure if anyone can accurately answer that yet, which gives me the tiniest bit of hope that there's still time. However it's running out—QUICKLY.

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I agree that we can’t answer that accurately right now…but unless there is some sort of massive cultural change, I think you’re absolutely right about time quickly running out.

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Adam, I just found you through something Sam Alaimo shared and have enjoyed reading a few of your articles. I recently retired from the Navy as well after 24 years (12 enlisted, 12 commissioned). I spent some time with NSW including a tour in Iraq as the J1 for CJSOTF-I working for Keith Davids. I write about life and literature so especially enjoyed this article. Keep up the great work.

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Nice to meet you, fellow Mustang!

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Not a sports page, not a magazine.


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